

Scientific committee meeting on LAPAN-IPB Satellite (LISat) 2014

Ditulis oleh M.Irfansyah Lubis dan Yudi Setiawan, Pusat Penelitian Lingkungan Hidup (PPLH)

Pada tanggal 3 Oktober 2014, para pakar Penginderaan Jauh dan Sistem Informasi Geografis (Remote Sensing-Geographical Information System/RS-GIS) IPB yang berasal dari berbagai departemen, fakultas dan pusat penelitian, mengadakan pertemuan di Ruang Sidang Pola, Gedung Andi Hakim Nasoetion Lt. 2, Kampus IPB Darmaga, Bogor. Hadir dalam pertemuan ini peneliti Pusat Teknologi Satelit, Lembaga Antariksa dan Penerbangan Nasional (LAPAN) Indonesia, Wahyudi Hasbi, M.Sc. Pertemuan ini dipimpin oleh Wakil Rektor bidang Riset dan Kerjasama IPB,  Prof.Dr.Ir. Anas Miftah Fauzi, M.Eng serta didukung oleh Direktorat Riset dan Inovasi (DRI) IPB. Adapun tujuan dari pertemuan ini adalah untuk menindak lanjuti program bersama antara LAPAN dan IPB dalam pengembangan LAPAN-IPB Satellite (LISat) yang bertujuan untuk mendukung program ketahanan pangan nasional.

Suasana rapat Scientific Committe LISat, Gedung Andi Hakim Nasotion, Gedung Rektorat IPB


Hunting for conservation

Hunter wannabe
A very contradictive headline indeed, since hunting is always associated with poaching that has been recognised as a wicked problem for wildlife conservation in the world. This challenging issue was being discussed by some conservationist and the governments of Indonesia in a workshop in order to accelerate hunting as part of conservation efforts in Indonesia on September 18th, 2014. This workshop is organised by The Indonesian Wildlife Conservation Foundation (IWCF), Indonesian Ministry of Forestry, and Centre for Environmental Research - Bogor Agricultural University (PPLh-IPB).

To begin with, General Director of Protection Forest and Nature Conservation (PHKA), Ministry of Forestry in the opening of the workshop presented the importance to accelerate hunting for conservation in Indonesia. The appreciation of hunting that has been done since ancient times underlies the spirit to incorporate this activity as part of conservation efforts in Indonesia. As one of mega diversity countries, Indonesia is seen as a prospective country for sport hunting. Even now, in some part of Indonesia, traditional hunting mainly for meat still becomes part of daily activities for people in remote areas.